September 2024 Newsletter

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Firstly, some good news! Not only has our new Secretary Andrea Charman settled in brilliantly and is fast getting me sorted out, but also an excellent volunteer has come forward to take on the vital role of Membership Secretary: welcome to Pamela Cavell.

We (myself, Andrea, Vicki Moss and Antony Vickery from the Sandbanks group) met with our new MP Neil Duncan-Jordan for a very productive meeting. He is clearly going to try and be Poole’s “local MP” and is already has taken up a raft of road safety issues that Vicki has been grappling with. Other issues raised which he is either tackling or agreed to look into, included the sewerage and water quality problems along Shore Road, BCP Council’s unwillingness to be open about the Beach Road Car park sale, and the unfair allocation of CIL funds, raised in our area but mostly spent elsewhere.

He understood our concerns that the new government’s approach to housing targets and planning procedures may have a negative impact on our area and will keep us informed as the new legislation emerges.

The Beach Road Car Park saga continues; There is nothing new to report, but assisted by our two excellent Ward councillors, we are continuing to work to ensure, as a minimum, the Council restores the remainder of the carpark as promised and that any new building plans are properly scrutinized and challenged as necessary.

If there is a covenant on your property that may be affected by the Beach Road carpark proposals you should be able to claim compensation. In the first instance contact you Ward Councillor, John Challinor


Our hard-working editor, John Gunton  needs your articles for the next issue of Pines and Chines. Closing date for submission is the end of this month.

Next BPCCRA meeting date:

Wednesday 9th October 2024; usual place St Aldhelm’s Church Hall committee room; usual time 7-30pm

Chairman’s contact details;


Mobile; 07767633718

Home; 01202 701430

Peter Schroeder