October 2024 Newsletter

posted in: BPCCRA Newsletters 0

If anyone has recently walked up the pathway through Branksome Chine, they were almost certainly as saddened as I was at the numerous signs of neglect and decay. This delightful walk was gifted to the community many years ago and deserves to be properly looked after. However hard up our Council is, it must not neglect community assets like this. Members may like to pass comments to the Council directly or via our hard-working councillors; john.challinor@bcpcouncil.gov.uk and gavin.wright@bcpcouncil.gov.uk

Our association is about more than just planning matters. The preservation and maintenance of our public areas is of equal importance.

For an update on planning matters, including the latest on the Beach Road Carpark, join us our meeting on Wednesday.

Our hard-working Treasurer, secretary and membership secretary are working to improve our rather complex admin systems. One item is to simplify our banking arrangements. We would intend to close down our Santander account which is only used to receive some Standing Orders from a small proportion of our members. If your Standing Order is still made out to this account, we would be very grateful if you could replace it with one to our main Barclay’s Account.

Please contact our treasurer Stanley Peters  stanley.peters@btinternet.com who will give you the required details.


The winter issue will be with you very shortly

Next BPCCRA meeting date:

Wednesday 9th October 2024; usual place St Aldhelm’s Church Hall committee room; usual time 7-30pm

The December meeting will be on Wednesday 11th; usual place and time. Christmas nibbles and wine will be served.

Chairman’s contact details;

Email; p.r.schroeder39@gmail.com

Mobile; 07767633718

Home; 01202 701430


Peter Schroeder