November 2023 Newsletter

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Winter settles in, the storms seem fiercer than ever and pine needles block our gutters and drains. However, the work of the association continues.

Our November meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 8th November, the usual time; 7-30pm and the usual place St Aldhelm’s church hall committee room, Lindsay Road. As well as planning updates (including feedback from our ward councillors meeting with the BCP planning chief), we will hear from the chair of the Sandbanks Association of their vital campaign regarding the plans for the Haven hotel. As this is linked with proposals for Harbour Hights it is real concern to us.

We hope to introduce a new member of the team, Nick Robinson, a criminal Barrister. Vicki will give us more details.

Finally, you should have all received the Winter Edition of “Pines & Chines”; another superb effort by our editor John Gunton

Peter Schroeder
