February 2025 Newsletter

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Change of Date:
Our BPCCRA February meeting will be on TUESDAY 11th February and NOT on Wednesday 12th February; usual time; 7-30pm, usual place; St Aldhelm’s Church committee room. Apologies for any confusion caused.

Last month we mentioned the importance of our cohort of Street Wardens; they really are the unsung heroes of the Association. We are currently updating our list and filling some gaps. Volunteers for Canford Cliffs Road B & Frankland Crescent (10 magazines) and Pinewood Road (10 magazines) are currently needed.
The tasks of our wardens are to:
• Deliver the Pines & Chines Magazines twice a year to the members in their “Street(s)”
• To note people moving in and out during the year, keeping our Membership Secretary informed
• To help recruit new members, especially incomers.
Wardens are NOT required to collect subscriptions.
Our Membership Secretary would like some to help (a Warden of Wardens?) with maintaining this list and keeping in contact with our wardens. This person would not be responsible for delivering Pines & Chines to the Wardens; this task is already taken care of.

As we continue to update our membership files, we have realised that our computer systems are somewhat long in the tooth, being based on a rather old version of Excel. Is any computer literate Member prepared to assist us in deciding what we really need to manage our membership data and subscriptions? We will then need to select and install the right programme and migrate our existing files. We will employ paid help to assist with all this if necessary.

As ever, more volunteers to help with all aspects of our Association’s work would be very welcome. Just let me know if you would like to explore any possibilities further.

Our AGM will be held on Saturday 12th April, Canford Cliffs village Hall.10am

Apart from the usual AGM business, we hope to have our local MP talking about how current Government and Parliamentary activities may affect us; our Ward Councillors updating us on their activities on our behalf and a representative from Christchurch Town Council talking about the pros, cons and costs of having our own Town Council. Followed of course by refreshments!

Peter Schroeder
Chairman BPCCRA
Email; p.r.schroeder39@gmail.com
Mobile; 07767633718; Home 01202 701430