December 2024 Newsletter

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December is here already with another bout of storm force winds; where has the year gone? I won’t bore everyone with a year-end review; suffice to say it has been very busy, with battles won and lost. We are still battling to ensure some positive outcome from the forthcoming sale of the Beach Road car park; we will keep you informed as things progress.

On a brighter note, we continue to welcome new members both to the Association and to its hard-working Executive Committee. Following the appointment of our new Treasurer, Secretary and Membership Secretary, our “Pines and Chines” editor John Gunton has found a willing hand to take over from him as editor; welcome to Annabel Stemp who will edit the summer edition (although John will be there to ensure a smooth transition). John has successfully edited “Pines & Chines” for more years than he cares to recall and well deserves a break and the Association’s heart-felt thanks. He will remain on the Exec so we won’t lose his valuable experience.

Our Santander account is finally closed; many thanks to those have moved their subscription payment to our main Barclay Account.

Our Membership Secretary Pamela Carvell  continues working, together with our treasurer, to bring our membership records up to date. Could members ensure that we are informed of any change in personal circumstances and that the email addresses we have are up to date and correct.

Vicky continues, on our behalf, to keep pressure on the authorities to improve road safety measures in our area. Our Ward Councillors John and Gavin maintain their strong support for this and other Association activities. We are as always very grateful for their ongoing support.

As ever, more volunteers to help with all aspects of our Association’s work would be very welcome. Just let me know if you would like to explore possibilities further 2025 looks to be as busy as ever; consultations on the possibility of a Poole Town Council (like Christchurch) will start the year off.

Next BPCCRA meeting date:

The December meeting will be on Wednesday 11th; usual place and time. St Aldhelm’s Church Hall committee room, 7-30pm. Christmas nibbles and Mulled wine will be served.

It just remains to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year

Peter Schroeder December 2024


Mobile; 07767633718; Home 01202 701430