February 2024 Newsletter

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There has been a lot happening in the last month, and a lot to come in the next few weeks! But firstly, a PLEA (well actually two!) We are still looking for a secretary and now through understandable pressure of work, our Treasurer, Jackie Heap will step down at our AGM in April; The Association can only continue its important work with sufficient volunteers to cover the key … Read More

January 2024 Newsletter

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Firstly, very best wishes for this New Year to all our members. May we all avoid being afflicted by unsuitable developments and dubious planning decisions. Now a plea! Carol, our very long serving secretary, has stood down and we owe her our thanks for all her years of service. However, the Association cannot function efficiently without a secretary, so a replacement is urgently needed! We can if necessary, … Read More

December 2023 Newsletter

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Tis the time for Mulled wine and Mince Pies, and they will be the main items on the agenda of our next meeting; Wednesday !3th December, usual time 7-30pm, usual place St Aldhelm’s Church Hall committee room. However we will still receive our planning officer’s update, the latest on BCP’s carpark proposals and a report back from Vicki on the road safety “walkabout” she undertook with a local … Read More

November 2023 Newsletter

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Winter settles in, the storms seem fiercer than ever and pine needles block our gutters and drains. However, the work of the association continues. Our November meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 8th November, the usual time; 7-30pm and the usual place St Aldhelm’s church hall committee room, Lindsay Road. As well as planning updates (including feedback from our ward councillors meeting with the BCP planning chief), we will … Read More

October 2023 Newsletter

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BPCCRA OCTOBER 2023 Newsletter Our October meeting will be on Wednesday 11th October; 7-30pm in the committee room at the rear of the Branksome St Alfheim’s Parish centre (accessed from Lindsay Road). We have a special guest, Inspector Nick Lee who is in charge of the Poole neighbourhood Police team; a chance to learn about how the force is tackling the various problems facing our communities and an … Read More

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