July 2024 Newsletter

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Well, Poole has a new member of Parliament, Neil Duncan-Jordan. We will be making contact with him to make sure he knows about the Association and what it does. We will try to meet with him as soon as possible. His new email address is: neil.duncanjordan.mp@parliament.uk Also, very soon, we will have a new Leader of BCP Council as Vikki Slade is standing down from the role following … Read More

June 2024 Newsletter

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Flaming June is here, but the work of the Association continues despite the weather! We have now had the formal “Opinion” from the specialist Barrister we briefed regarding the Beach Road Carpark situation. It is clear and well argued; in summary it says that we have no grounds for opposing BCP’s plans for the Carpark unless it makes a procedural mistake. Individuals with covenanted properties may be due … Read More

May 2024 Newsletter

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Firstly, thanks to all those who attended and helped to make our 2024 AGM a success, and a special thankyou to those who helped to organise and set it up. The IT gremlins struck again and despite valiant efforts, one of our speakers, Martin Baker, wasn’t able to use his Power Point presentation. We are partially making up for this by attaching Martin’s presentation to this Newsletter. I … Read More

April 2024 Newsletter

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April has all the makings of a busy month! On Saturday April 27th we have our AGM, Canford Cliffs Village Hall, starting at 10-30am. The agenda will be circulated by a separate email shortly. Refreshments available at the end. I hope many of you will be able to attend. April 12th is the closing date for our submission to BCP Council’s consultation regarding their next steps in their … Read More

March 2024 Newsletter

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With Spring almost here, a lot is currently happening. First Dates; There is NO MEETING this month The next meeting is our AGM Date: Saturday 27th April Place; Canford Cliffs Village Hall Time: 10-30 pm The Exec Committee will meet in May The next Members Evening meeting will be: Wednesday 12 June St Aldheim’s church committee room; 7-30pm I hope we see many of you at the AGM; … Read More

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